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Tinnitus and stress – What is the link?

Man with stress and tinnitus trying to work at his desk

You’ve probably heard about the relationship between tinnitus and stress, with one study showing that people who suffer long-term stress are over twice as likely to suffer from tinnitus.

Tinnitus will often start during a period of stress, and stress often makes it worse.
But why is stress so closely related to tinnitus, and what can you do about it?

Fight or flight

Researchers are still examining the exact relationship between the two conditions, and increased sympathetic nervous system activity may play a part. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the body’s ‘fight or flight’ response, increasing heart rate, and breathing in response to a perceived threat. Our bodies are not designed to maintain this state for a long time, so when stress continues for extended periods, we can suffer physical and mental health problems.

One effect of stress is increasing levels of hormones such as epinephrine or cortisol. Evidence suggests that stress hormones can alter inner ear fluid and auditory function and stimulate activity in the auditory pathways. If blood flow to the cochlear and inner ear is affected, tinnitus and even hearing loss can result.

Sleep disturbance and anxiety

Stress can also interfere with sleep, often leading to fatigue, which can make tinnitus worse. Again, the activation of stress hormones can play a part. Chronic stress can also lead to depression and anxiety disorders, which are also common risk factors.

Whether or not you are undergoing other tinnitus treatment, taking action to reduce stress may offer benefits. Exercising, getting enough rest and sleep, and doing things you enjoy are all ways to reduce the impact on your auditory system. Where appropriate, therapies such as CBT can also provide you with relevant coping skills and techniques.

For more ideas on how to manage stress see this NHS list of 10 stress busters you can start today!


Author Cleanhearing

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